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The Resurgence of CM Punk: A Tale of Redemption and Second Acts

Photo Credit Sports Illustrated:

In the realm of professional wrestling, stories of redemption are not uncommon, but few are as compelling and eagerly anticipated as the return of CM Punk to the WWE. As a self-proclaimed fan of the Straight Edge Superstar, I, like many others, felt the sting of disappointment when Punk left the WWE in 2014. His abrupt departure left a void that wrestling fans yearned to see filled, and little did we know that a journey into the world of MMA and UFC awaited the enigmatic Phil Brooks.

Having never met Phil Brooks personally, my admiration for CM Punk is based solely on his on-screen persona and the indelible mark he left on the wrestling world. The audacity to transition from the squared circle to the unforgiving octagon spoke volumes about Punk’s courage and willingness to embrace new challenges, even if the outcome was not as triumphant as he may have hoped.

The cloud of controversy surrounding Punk, particularly incidents in Chicago and London, has cast a shadow on his reputation. Yet, it’s essential to remember that second-hand information can distort the truth, and we may not have the complete picture of all sides involved. Fair judgment demands a nuanced understanding of the circumstances, and it’s unfair to label Punk based solely on hearsay.

Punk’s disdain for WWE was palpable, as expressed in a promo back in 2022: “Hurt People, Hurt (other) People.” For nearly a decade, he carried the bitterness of perceived injustices. Looking back, Punk may reflect on his decisions during his last WWE run and his stint in AEW. It’s plausible that, in hindsight, he might reconsider some words and actions. However, the intricacies of the wrestling business and Punk’s interpretation of events shaped his narrative.

And then, in Punk’s own words about his return: “So, I was trying to drive to the Allstate Arena and let everybody that deserved to know, that was in my orbit know, what was about to happen,” said Punk. “So, I’m texting my sisters because nobody knew. That’s how you get things done in this business. You keep things close to the vest, you don’t leak stuff, and that’s where the magic happens.”

Punk continued, saying that his comeback to WWE in his hometown of Chicago was a magical moment. He added that any questions, concerns, or worries he may have had disappeared once his entrance theme, Cult of Personality, hit. However, the moment was also a deafening experience as Punk could barely hear his music, thanks to the roar of the crowd.

“I walked out in front of my hometown, I couldn’t hear the song anymore. I didn’t know my cues,” Punk said. “To me, this is finishing what I started, this is picking back up where I left off,” said Punk. “Ten years wiser and still all that experience that I have inside the Royal Rumble and inside the wrestling ring is gonna come in handy. And I’m gonna get to win the Royal Rumble and main event WrestleMania.”

Punk’s venture into AEW, while full of promise, encountered conflicts and differences that may remain shrouded in mystery for most of us. The WWE, with its structured environment and the right people in the right places, seems to be a more suitable stage for Punk’s talents. Perhaps AEW, still finding its footing in the wrestling landscape, was not quite prepared for the presence of an established star like CM Punk.

“I think there’s a lot of people in wrestling as a whole that are in WWE now who, for better or for worse, looked up to a guy like me. I always like to thank the legends that helped pave the way for the roads that I travel now. Guys like Terry Funk, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Tracy Smothers, Chris Candido.”

As we witness the second act of Phil Brooks in the WWE, it’s time to halt the relentless judgment and critiques. Punk’s journey is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the wrestling business. He is motivated, in a better place, and poised to contribute to the industry that he once passionately loved. So, let’s collectively embrace the return of CM Punk and relish the opportunity to witness a redemption story unfold in the grand stage of professional wrestling.


Timeline of CM Punk:

  • Early Career: Punk’s rise in the wrestling scene, gaining attention for his work in Ring of Honor.
  • WWE Debut (2006): Punk’s debut on the WWE stage, marking the beginning of a memorable career.
  • “Pipe Bomb” Promo (2011): Punk’s infamous promo that shook the wrestling world and elevated him to new heights.
  • Departure from WWE (2014): Punk’s sudden exit from the WWE, leaving fans and the industry in shock.
  • MMA and UFC Stint: Punk’s venture into mixed martial arts, showcasing his willingness to step outside his comfort zone.
  • AEW Debut (2022): Punk’s highly anticipated debut in AEW, reigniting excitement among wrestling enthusiasts.
  • Departure from AEW (2022): Conflict and differences led to Punk’s departure from AEW, adding complexity to his journey.
  • Return to WWE (2023): The second coming of CM Punk to the WWE, marking a new chapter in his storied career.


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